Myo for Kids

Can myofunctional therapy prevent the need for braces? An example of pseudo-myofunctional therapy in the 90s

Simply because you recently learned of myofunctional therapy, does not mean it is new. The first mention of myofunctional therapy and the impact of proper functional of the facial and tongue muscles on oral development happened in 1918! Myofunctional therapy origins go all the way back to the father of orthodontics, Dr. Edward Angle. His… Continue reading Can myofunctional therapy prevent the need for braces? An example of pseudo-myofunctional therapy in the 90s

Myo for Kids

Free Thumb Sucking Elimination Program

From the womb my eldest daughter found her greatest comfort. No, not me or my womb. Not the nourishment from the umbilical cord, or security of the amniotic fluid. Her thumb encroached on my rightful space as her greatest comfort before we could even meet. For a decade we battled about her love of that… Continue reading Free Thumb Sucking Elimination Program

Cost of Myo · Myo for Kids

The Growing Disparity and Poor Affordability in Airway

Can’t afford myofunctional therapy, orthodontic appliance alternatives, and bodywork in managing your airway centered disorder? You are likely not alone. The gap of inequity, especially among minorities and low income households in affordable options and access to care is increasing. One of the many silent consequences of this global pandemic. Health care is continuously evolving… Continue reading The Growing Disparity and Poor Affordability in Airway

Myo for Kids

7 Simple Steps to Natural ADHD Management Without Medication

I distinctly remember taking my son to the pediatric neurologist the day he was diagnosed. He was 10 and the appointment, frankly, was overdue. His kindergarten teacher was the first to mention his inability to focus. During circle time the sun shone a bright ray through the classroom window. This illuminated the “sun fuzzies” (shout… Continue reading 7 Simple Steps to Natural ADHD Management Without Medication

All Things Ties · Myo for Kids

Tongue Tie Release Terrors and Triumphs: Releasing the Child of A Myofunctional Therapist

There would be no bigger lie than to state that as a myofunctional therapist I had no worries going into my 9-year-old daughter's release. I waited for a little over two years from the time I became a therapist and longer since discovering she was tongue tied before we released. Why? Well, I was scared.… Continue reading Tongue Tie Release Terrors and Triumphs: Releasing the Child of A Myofunctional Therapist

Myo for Kids

Mouth Breathing Wrecks Kids: A Parent To Parent Warning

We use it to communicate, nourish our body, and connect with others. Yet it can also unwind the health and behavior of children when misused. Our mouths are an invitation into the body, that when left open and unchecked permit open destruction that is difficult to resolve. I've been there with sick and tired children,… Continue reading Mouth Breathing Wrecks Kids: A Parent To Parent Warning

All Things Ties · Myo for Kids

3 Mistakes to Avoid When Your Child Has A Tongue Tie

With lip and tongue tie diagnosis at a recent high, and release providers popping up out of seemingly nowhere, it is almost inevitable that parents and children will make mistakes. Upon recently discovering that several providers in my area are now diagnosing and treating tongue and lip ties that I could not convince them existed… Continue reading 3 Mistakes to Avoid When Your Child Has A Tongue Tie

All Things Ties · Myo for Kids

What to do when you suspect your baby has a tongue or lip tie

Nothing is more frustrating than making a plan and having it go awry. You imagined a blissful breastfeeding relationship with your new baby and were presented with an alternate reality. Whether it's a painful latch, nipple pain, low supply, or thrush, none of it should be allowed to disrupt your imagined goals. Breastfeeding should be… Continue reading What to do when you suspect your baby has a tongue or lip tie